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Laborers’ Local 405

Members of Laborers’ Local 405 work in a wide range of industries in North Dakota and Minnesota, including highway and heavy construction, asbestos removal, hazardous waste removal, landscaping, and commercial cleaning.

Its members also serve the public in administration, law enforcement, hospitals, and government agencies, and work in movie studios, manufacturing, food processing, maritime, recycling, home improvement, maintenance, and other core industrial jobs.

The Local Union 405 operates under LiUNA jurisdiction which means that all members can take advantage of all LiUNA benefits programs. Among them are top-notch training, health and safety programs, pension plans, and so on.

Learn more at

Pay Laborers’ Local 405 Automatically with HCM TradeSeal:

To automate payroll and reporting for this union: open HCM TradeSeal, go to "Trade Intelligence" and add LiUNA 405 to your list of unions. Adding this local will enable HCM TradeSeal to:

  • Auto-calculate of Laborers’ Local 405 Journeyman and/or Apprentice rates
  • Calculate and account for for Laborers’ Local 405 union benefits
  • Generate automatic union reports for Laborers’ Local 405
  • Simplify union audits for Laborers’ Local 405
  • Generate Certified Payroll reports for Laborers’ Local 405 work classes

Watch a Video

Learn more about HCM TradeSeal by watching a brief overview video. HCM TradeSeal can automatically calculate fringe benefits and generate remittance reports for most union locals, including Laborers’ Local 405.