UA Local 78 logo

UA Local 78

Plumbers UA Local 78 stands for over 2,000 skilled plumbers who serve Los Angeles and Long Beach, California. It was founded in 1892 as a part of the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry.

All members of Local 78 have access to an exclusive and comprehensive Plumber Apprenticeship Training Program and continuous journeyman training courses. Its members primarily train at the Compton Training Center. Additionally, all members may apply for Health, Dental, and Prescription Drug coverage, Pension, Vacation and Holiday, etc.

Learn more about UA Local 78 by visiting

Pay UA Local 78 Automatically with HCM TradeSeal:

To automate payroll and reporting for this union: open HCM TradeSeal, go to "Trade Intelligence" and add PPF 78 to your list of unions. Adding this local will enable HCM TradeSeal to:

  • Auto-calculate of UA Local 78 Journeyman and/or Apprentice rates
  • Calculate and account for for UA Local 78 union benefits
  • Generate automatic union reports for UA Local 78
  • Simplify union audits for UA Local 78
  • Generate Certified Payroll reports for UA Local 78 work classes

Watch a Video

Learn more about HCM TradeSeal by watching a brief overview video. HCM TradeSeal can automatically calculate fringe benefits and generate remittance reports for most union locals, including UA Local 78.