Calculate by Job

Get an accurate picture of payroll and job costing for any prevailing wage project. Tell us about your Certified Payroll job and calculate instantly with HCM TradeSeal.

Please provide a few details about your upcoming project to receive accurate calculations and Certified Payroll reports for this job.
Please enter the project ID You received from your agency or a general contractor, or the ID number of a job from your ERP system.
List any codes or names for positions worked on this job. (Example: Laborer, Operating Engineer, Plumber.)
Employer paid benefits (“bona fide” benefits) will be automatically subtracted from certified payroll fringe benefits ("cash" fringes), where applicable.
List ID numbers only for any employees who will work on this job. (Please do not share employee names or other identifying information.)

Construction Payroll, Made Simple

Designed for construction payroll teams focused on growth, HCM TradeSeal makes it easy to calculate accurate prevailing wage and fringe benefit plans for every project.

Keep job costing, billing and general ledger in your supported ERP system such as Sage 300, Viewpoint or Netsuite while shifting HR and Payroll processes into a modern, fully compliant HCM system – complete with Certified Payroll and Union reporting.

Learn more about TradeSeal >